We have all been in situations during our lives that are not ideal, those instances we find ourselves in circumstances that allow us to create something else, something greater, than where we are during these times.  And sometimes those times are annoying, even painful, due to the events that led us to this position. And sometimes we are there on purpose, a scheme in place to use the situation to our advantage to think, to plan how to reach a higher level, whatever that means to each of us.  That last is where I am at the moment. I’m using skills I’ve developed through years of sales, account management, and learning how to develop people and business to create time. In taking a step back, both in terms of compensation and position, I’ve found the time and means to think and remember what I wanted when I was much younger.  When anything seemed possible if you just wanted it enough. Before some of life’s harsher lessons taught you to be more wary, and safer. And I’m remembering the big things, like wanting to be a writer, from the time I was a little boy, and probably wasn’t entirely sure why. Because playing with words was just so cool, and how awesome it could be to spend your days creating new worlds, new stories, and then the pleasure of telling them to others.  What a way to live! And of course, as soon as any dreamer, of any age, declares their vision, the resistance begins. From others. From situations. And life interferes, and that beautiful vision of that beautiful child is somehow pushed to the side, to be looked at sideways, longing to jump into the middle of it, and make it come alive. And for some, that’s where it ends. And in my case, I thought it had, and I had made peace with the life I now led, with its incidental pleasures of moving through this world I really hadn’t created, but somehow happened upon, and I took up residence. Â
Until last year. When a work layoff put me out of that world, which I quickly—but badly, I must admit—recreated in a certain way, and finally reached a point where I couldn’t take it any longer and decided to step away from the path I was on to just get my bearings.  And to see that the trail I’d been following for far too long was just not going to get me anywhere I could see happiness, and that perhaps straying off the path—on purpose—would help me see the woods, and, if I was lucky, find a way back to the original dream. And so I left that job, and found a group of people who thought what I was doing was a great idea, and that we could work together as I was doing it.  And so it began. Yes, I’m dealing with situations I know how to negotiate, as well the clients of the place I am now, and I work with a team that show me, each day, how to move through life in a way that is positive, and that what I am doing in my time away from work is a great thing, and they’re interested in seeing what I’m doing. And I am finding I am amongst writers: journalists, aspiring novelists, bloggers! And they offer their help with their specialty, if I need it, or with other related things like computer savvy!  I am now building my new world, the one I always wanted, while keeping the bills paid, and finding new resources to help me reach ever higher, toward that long-neglected, long-ignored dream I’d created so many years ago. Even if the result turns out to be different than I’d imagined, I am grateful for the journey to this point in time, and am excited to continue….
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